Open Times:
Weds. 4 - 8 pm
Thurs 3 - 7 pm.
Services to Provide:
Activate Gift Cards and other Cards (i.e. food stamps and school meals) 15 min to 30 min
Translate letter and forms (i.e. Immigration forms, medical or school letters) 15 min to 30 min
Help Fill out forms (i.e. Preschool advantage, food stamp, Medicaid) -1 hour
Type letters (recommendation, acknowledgment of not working, etc.) .5 Hour
Create emails and training on how to use email - .5 hour
Training on how to use smartphone .5 hour
Print/scan/copy documents.
Spanish speaking, Bilingual as well as English speakers
Give the opportunity to people to give/donate in order to help others - paying it forward.
Upcoming workshops
Driver license for undocumented people
Domestic abuse
Conversation with an immigration lawyer
Sunday Worship Times
All services led by the Rev. Beth Rauen Sciaino
@ St. Bernard's Episcopal Church
11 am Holy Eucharist
@ St. John on the Mountain
7:45 am Holy Eucharist Rite I
9:00 am Holy Eucharist Rite II
Contact Us
Tel: 908.766.0602
St. Bernard's Episcopal Church
88 Claremont Road
Bernardsville, NJ 07924
St. Bernard's Cemetery,
60 Washington Ave,
Bernardsville, NJ 07924